Arabian Perfume Refined

Range of Oud, Musk & Amber Attars


  • We are a New Zealand based Company

  • Resellers of Quality Authorized Brands and products

  • Products which helps the Ummah

    • Innovative Prayer Mat for those with knee problems

    • Educating kids with My Salah Mat

    • Kids Educational toys - Mobile Cot Hangers, Apple Toy and Night lamps with Quran speakers

    • World Famous top Perfume Oils which will last longer and give you a memorising fragrance

Quran and Dua Pillow

9 Sounds, 14 Arabic Dua’s, 8 English Dua’s, 4 Duroods and 4 Nasheeds with Sounds & Lighting

Prayer Mats

How to Use the Wudhu Socks

Very Simple & Easy to Use


Arabian Perfumery with French Elegance


Attar Oils are Pure and Authentic

One of the most compelling reasons to choose a natural attar over synthetic chemical fragrances is its purity and authenticity. Natural attars are crafted through a centuries-old tradition of distillation or maceration, which involves extracting essential oils from flowers, herbs, and other botanical sources. This process ensures that the fragrance remains untainted by synthetic chemicals and additives, delivering a scent that is true to nature.

Attar is a Long-Lasting Fragrance

Natural attars are renowned for their longevity. Due to their purity and concentration, a small amount of attar can provide a lasting fragrance throughout the day. This makes them a cost-effective choice in the long run, as a little goes a long way.

Attars Have A Heritage Rich in Refinement

Attar has a rich history in India, dating back to ancient times. The art of attar-making was first introduced by the Mughals who shared the secret of essential oil distillation, starting a perfume revolution in the land.

It swiftly became a symbol of supreme luxury, becoming popular among the royal court. Over time, attar-making became a highly skilled and respected profession, with each region adding its own distinctive touch to this perfumery tradition.